When we moved in, we were so motivated to have a fun, clean, organized house. I swore I wouldn’t let the garage remain packed full of crap and would empty out at least one box per week at minimum and either trash or put up or donate.
It didn’t happen. Obviously. I also find myself swearing these things every year. Like swearing, on January 1st, to lose 200 lbs by July.
Well, I really have no excuse now because we have a storage unit and all I need to do is start taking stuff over. The goal is to at least go through each box a bit and see if it is worthy of being in the storage unit. If it isn’t, then adios!
Two years of a packed garage is enough, and lots of changes are coming for this haus.
I finally emptied my dad’s unit last summer just when I was making headway on the garage, and it’s sat somewhat untouched since then. Every once in a while, I will go through a box or two and fill up the garbage can.
My next-door neighbor caught me in the garage one day after Christmas, and a tiny lightbulb went off over my head just when I was in the middle of TRASHING A COMPLETE SET OF CHILDCRAFT ENCYCLOPEDIA. It seemed to be a shame to be doing it. Although it was a set from the 70’s, the fairly generic content was/is still relevant.
I turned to her with my lightbulb. Since she sells refurb furniture, I thought that a vintage set sure would look cute on one of her mid-century desks. And, oh, if you sell it, let’s go halfsies! She liked that idea! So, off the set went to her truck. [Update: The set was sold for $30.]
One thing I -did- trash were some Worldbook annuals from the 80’s and 90’s. I just didn’t see the point. In fact, they went into the recycle bin.
There were several other things that went into the trash that night. And, it felt oh so good. Now…if only I can get the Christmas stuff put up. LOL!
Update 01/31/2020–I cringe thinking about my garage right now. Here’s the latest.