I feel the need to pack up my blog every few years. Most times it’s because I feel so embarrassed about being an idiot in what I’ve said. Like, was I really that reactionary about x-subject? How could I’ve handled it with more finesse? Did I really say that aloud? Where was my filter?
This time, because there is an unsavoury person reading this, I’ve decided to pack it up with the intention of reviewing my old posts for privacy’s sake.
For real this time.
Maybe it’s because I’ve become an old lady. Just a quick glance at my directory of posts, I find myself asking whether I identify with the person who wrote them. Hmmm…
I don’t intend on editing every single little thing. That pretty much amounts to rewriting everything, but… We’ll see what happens.
I most certainly intend on getting back into participating in Scrivener’s Friday 5.
♥ p.s. Oh, how I luv Scrivener’s wit, hair, and brain. I don’t say it as often as I should. Maybe it’s because he oh-p’shaws me when he notices.
Well you could at least leave a comment and link on the Friday 5 website then.
…didn’t I? 🥺